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Two Fold Problem of Urgency

Reported in the Roads/highways category anonymously at 18:36, Sat 23 March 2019

Sent to Leicester City Council 3 minutes later. FixMyStreet ref: 1581321.

A new build at the top end or Dulverton Road accompanied by the extensive building and groundwork being conducted on the property on the corner of Dulverton road and Braunstone Avenue is attracting an unacceptable amount of hgv traffic. There are three potholes at the lower end, near Hinckley road, of Dulverton Road, between 1-21. There is an accelerated general degeneration to the road the length of Dulverton road, this includes visible, to a quick site visit, now dangerous paving stone damage the length of the pavement at the rear of the new build, and to the side of the corner house. There have been verbatim comments with respect to muddy, slippy road conditions, and drivers visiting the site, ignoring the no entry signs at the one end of Dulverton road. There is local concern about the unadvertised work taking place to the rear of the corner property, tree clearing, outhouse demolition and hgv loading huge amounts of soil, hardcore etc to the site. Please advise.

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  • One significant pothole has had a white circle painted round it, outside numbers 24/25 ish, but its still degrading daily. The other, outside number 7/9 ish was filled in with concert by a fed up resident but is still a dip that causes issues. The flag stones at the top, have had a little work done by the contractors, but remain an issue and potential TRIP HAZARD. But I guess the council don't give a monkeys until someone does then they'll re-gig their priorities. The road is currently not "political" enough a road to attract public investment.

    Posted anonymously at 12:45, Tue 23 April 2019
    Still open, via questionnaire

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