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Reported by David Stephens at 15:28, Sat 2 March 2019

Sent to Folkestone and Hythe District Council and Kent County Council 1 minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 1559531.

I am getting very irritated at being harassed by salespeople from First Utility in the Folkestone City centre yet again. This is about the third time they have set up outside Costa coffee in the last six months or so and I believe they should be thrown out for good, and any others such as charity muggers who appear quite often too. Have First Utility got permission to do this, or are they allowed to harrass the public wherever they want? It's bad enough having eight or more beggars in the vicinity who can be quite aggressive - and who the police and/or council seem to be able to move on - without having a commercial company creating a stressful situation in the centre.

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