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So called dropped kerbs a danger to ALL wheelchair users (especially powerchair users)

Reported in the Pavements/footpaths category anonymously at 00:38, Thu 31 January 2019

Sent to Hampshire County Council 1 minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 1528390.

All dropped kerbs (not) need to be fixed as most are mot level with the roads in Boyatt Wood or Eastleigh this has caused my powerchair to be thrown into Twyford Road and nearly getting hit by a car on more than 3 separate occasions, as the so called dropped Kerb is not flush with the road, the pavements in the whole of Boyatt Wood/Eastleigh have not been 'fixed' or repaired in all the years I have lived in Lawn Road this is a dreadful situation as most of the time I have to risk my life using the roads to get anywhere safely rather than risk being thrown into oncoming traffic whenever I need to go to the doctors in Eastleigh or the hospitals in winchester or southampton this is totally unacceptable as the council tax we pay should warrent not just mine but everyones safety while out using pavements etc please fix all dropped kerbs and tree rooted uneven pathways and people footways (flyovers) woodside avenue a drop of over 5 inches on one side of the bridge so again I have to use the main road and B^Q roundabout to get from boyattwood side to the main parcel delivery post office in goodwood road. The pavements are not kept clear of leaves and debris so again my chair is sliding if the pavements unven under the wheels ut i cannot see this due to wet mouldy leaf matter that is never cleared from the paths or road sides I think this issue with the uneven pavements and for sure all the uneven 2 inches or move 'dropped kerbs' that wheel chairs are not designed to mount should be rectified before someone gets killed through neglect on your departments side not supplying the upkeep they are so sorely in need of

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  • Still open, via questionnaire, 12:32, Thu 28 February 2019

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