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Car club parking bays being used illegally

Reported in the Roads/highways category anonymously at 16:12, Tue 22 January 2019

Sent to Tower Hamlets Borough Council 3 minutes later. FixMyStreet ref: 1520624.

Ever since the council changed the residents bays to car club holders they they have become a space for - drug dealers - non stop deliveries from Waitrose (from 6am to gone 10pm) and often several an hour - an informal resting stop for uber drivers waiting for their next job, usuually in the early hours of the morning and accompanied by high-volume mobile phone calls (often through loudspeaker) - groups of young me hiring up to 3 cars at a time, parking up, gathering on the pavement, smoking hash and drinking - being incredibly noisy. If this is happening late at night, any attempt to ask them to lower the volume results in stones, bottles being thrown at the property - round the clock drop-offs , people shouting up to the upper floors to announce their arrival, -a pit-stop for a ciggie break or to eat mcdonalds - with all the refuse being dumped outside, either in gutter or outside my front door Council incredibly defensive of their scheme (it generates income from the hire car companies and they maintain it curbs congestion. However, in my view they exacerbate littering, pollution, crime and traffic movement in the area.

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