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Speeding cars in forest house lane

Reported anonymously at 10:04, Sat 19 January 2019

Sent to Blaby District Council and Leicestershire County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 1517404.

Speeding cars think they are on grand pirx track again this is a problem with cars now coming out of the new estate exiting and entering the forest rise there are talks about fitting speed warning signs in forest house is this true if so when wil thay be fitted as the main times of the speeding is between 0530-0930 and 1530-1800

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  • The council said they have done a speed test in forest house and the average speed is 29.2 mph this was done with two tubes across the road for one week no one has seen these tubeS so when it was done is a big ? has any one seen them lets us know

    Posted anonymously at 15:25, Sat 16 February 2019
    Still open, via questionnaire

  • Still open, via questionnaire, 21:22, Sat 16 March 2019

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