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Hedge branch over hanging road

Reported in the Trees category anonymously at 18:33, Mon 17 December 2018

Sent to Bromsgrove District Council 2 minutes later. FixMyStreet ref: 1489499.

At 9:16 am on 17/12/2018 collided wingmirror of car with branch over hanging road from adjacent hedge. Area of road where marked, on slope of hill, travelling northbound. Smashed wingmirror and unable to collet debris safely.

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  • Suggestion: Put this on the Worcestershire County Council's H/way's 'report it' website. I think Bromsgrove district council do the cutting back of vegetation on behalf of WCC.

    Also, because it is in the area of Tutnall and Cobley Parish Council - you could also send an email to them.

    I realise this is all extra work, however sadly nowadays, unless you take this kind of approach it's unlikely anything will get done before [this] Christmas!!!

    Posted by Redditch Resident at 10:08, Tue 18 December 2018

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