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Road very damaged on the left lane coming from swayling, flooded and no street light that caused my car to collapse and stop working. Just after the bridge, on the left, before the church and football club

Reported in the Roads/highways category anonymously at 13:33, Sun 16 December 2018

Sent to Hampshire County Council 2 minutes later. FixMyStreet ref: 1488332.

My sister in law works near the rugby club and said she saw the other day people taking water out of the big hole but no one secure it or put indicators or bariers so you can void it. Another car went down but managed to redress on the road. My car just went one side down and couldn't restart it. Had to be recovered by my insurance company and taken to a garage and is very damaged. I have to pay an excess of £300 for this which wasn't my fault. Need this claimed back from the council as is a public road and the issue wasn't marked at all.

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