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Start of priory road from the roundabout should be single lane.

Reported anonymously at 22:29, Tue 9 October 2018

Sent to Kent County Council 1 minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 1433565.

Vehiches coming from folkestone Rd approaching the roundabout where there are two lanes, left lane for Priory Road, right lane for the A20. Fed up with cars using the right lane for over taking and jumping cueing traffic. Then forcing their way into the left lane. If the start of priory road was narrowed using diagonal lines to stop cars entering priory road from the right hand lane of the roundabout. This would stop wide boys from jumping cueing traffic. We all went to get to our destination safely with out added risk of cue jumpers. Also if the right lane was marked right instead if straight when that road is no entry, this would help!!!

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