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2 metre scaffold plank to right hand edge a27

Reported in the Roads/highways category by William Pinnell at 10:27, Mon 8 October 2018

Sent to Hampshire County Council 2 minutes later. FixMyStreet ref: 1432031.

Large scaffold plank. Lane 2 edge of EAST bound dual carriageway.

300 metres from Havant junction.

Been there for 4 days.

Hazardous. Severe risk of injury.

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  • Hampshire County Council, totally abrogating their common law duty of care.

    They failed to pass on a critical safety issue to Highways England. ....merely informing me that it was a H.E. problem...." and not my problem mate"

    A totally un-intelligent response. I hope no one was injured.

    Significant reputational damage done to HCC.

    Not good enough.

    Posted by William Pinnell at 12:38, Mon 5 November 2018

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