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Drivers still think it’s a roundabout as got faint road markings

Reported anonymously at 22:01, Sun 23 September 2018

Sent to Leicester City Council 4 minutes later. FixMyStreet ref: 1420447.

Location postcode LE5 0DY between Forest road, Ulverscoft road and Frisby road Basically this used to be roundabout here they have changed it to what it is in the picture now which I think is for the better 100% but drivers are still using this as a roundabout as got faint road marking from before a I’ve had lot of times as I use this route every day had to do a emergency stops due to drivers thinking I should give way and pulling out right in front of me the closet one was today where my partner and kids have had severe whiplash due to me having to break sharp I think signs are needed to let drivers know this is not a roundabout before someone has a serious accident.

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  • I’ve noticed on my sat nav it’s still as a roundabout even after being updated even taxis I have had it’s as a roundabout on there sat navs this is going cause drivers a lot of issues.

    Posted anonymously at 00:15, Mon 22 October 2018
    Still open, via questionnaire

  • On Friday 23rd November 8:32pm another accident has happened one of many here as they still think it’s a roundabout this is very poor as I have not received any feedback regarding this issue all these accidents could of been prevented by a simple sign of being not roundabout!

    Posted anonymously at 11:50, Sun 25 November 2018

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