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Problem with gully on each side of road

Reported in the Gully or Manhole Defect category anonymously at 19:38, Thu 20 September 2018

Sent to Hull City Council 1 minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 1418453.

These two gullys opposite each other on Gilderidge Park overflow every time it rains slightly heavy, other gullys in the area flow properly. One is outside number 5, one at the side of number 8. There is obviously a drainage problem as do drain eventually but this will mean the street will flood should the rain of 2007 occur again. This problem has been reported before but obviously not fixed.

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  • This has been reported to the relevant service area. Reports will be investigated within 48 hours. The reference for this report is 7304839.

    Posted by Customer Service Adviser, Hull City Council at 15:22, Fri 21 September 2018

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