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Flytipping sofa and bags of rubble

Reported via Android in the Flytipping category anonymously at 10:30, Tue 18 September 2018

Sent to Hull City Council 5 minutes later. FixMyStreet ref: 1415501.

This sofa was dumped outside my neighbour's house by my neighbour about a month and half ago at the start of summer. I have given him a large benefit of the doubt hoping that he would dispose of it, however sadly I have to report it now as I haven't seen him in person recently to ask him to move it. I witnessed him dragging it out and a couple of days after putting the bags of rubble on top with his daughter.

The tenant's property is in a worrying state and houses children, including the back yard which is full of debris and is an environmental hazard to kids.

Sorry to my neighbour but I have a street I have a vested interest in maintaining.

I have further photos in support of this.

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  • This has been passed to the relevant department who will get this collected as soon as possible.

    Posted by Hull City Council, Customer Services at 03:21, Wed 19 September 2018

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