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Unavoidable road defects

Reported in the Roads/highways category anonymously at 20:12, Sat 18 August 2018

Sent to Hampshire County Council 3 minutes later. FixMyStreet ref: 1391084.

Travelling towards Romsey on A3057, just by the footpath/railway bridge there are two deep holes that are unavoidable.

If you don't spot it in time, you will likely have wheel damage.

I can't believe the road here appears to have been left in such a dangerous way. What annoys me most is that not 200 yards before this obvious defect, there is a sign proudly displaying "Looking after Hampshire's Roads". They're certainly not looking after Hampshire's cars!

I have this on dashcam which shows the size of the impact caused by this part of the road, and can only hope that my Audi has not had damaged alloys, tyres or suspension.

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