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Flytipping constantly

Reported in the Flytipping category anonymously at 19:09, Tue 17 July 2018

Sent to Leicester City Council 1 minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 1366054.

This area has been used for flytipping constantly even with the posters not to flytip ppl still pile up rubbish.. the culprits are those that live in the ally way above the shops. Immigrants changing accomodation so quick landlords putting old mattresses, furniture out there. plus last weekend the bookies on the corner had all their paper receipts etc in bags which had been burst open and all the slips flying around the streets. This is an everyday occurance. put a camera up opposit the alley you will find the culprits quick! Im sure its cheaper to get a camera up than the resorces to clean the streets. The alley is also used by local druggies selling and smoking weed n drugs. area is no longer safe

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