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Mainly the weeds on the street nearly up to the windows outside the terraced houses they look disgusting these are mainly outside NO 111 and 93 and are growing between the brick of the houses and the pavement . Also no. 107 dump rubbish on th street currently they have left a tv outside their door on the street and bins are also left out .to be honest the street is becoming a tip

Reported anonymously at 07:17, Wed 11 July 2018

Sent to Nottingham City Council 3 minutes later. FixMyStreet ref: 1360851.

The weeds are getting bigger the people who live at no 107 are always leaving or dropping rubbish on the street and this gets spread all over and they never put their bin away after being emptied sometimes it's there nearly a week

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  • Noting been done. Waste of time using fix my street. Thought the council wanted places to look nice, seems not.

    Posted anonymously at 17:40, Wed 8 August 2018
    Still open, via questionnaire

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