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Excessive speed and noise on Roston Drive

Reported anonymously at 18:15, Mon 9 July 2018

Sent to Hinckley and Bosworth Borough Council and Leicestershire County Council 5 minutes later. FixMyStreet ref: 1359665.

On several occassions, usually but not necessarily between 12 midnight and 12.30, 2 cars race along Roston Drive. On the morning of 9th July at 3.00 in the morning and around 5 minutes later there was a terrific squeeling of tyres followed by a vehicle being driven along Roston Drive.

We regularly have vehicles accelerating fast after turning onto Roston Drive from Clifton Way heading towards the perimeter road.

For many, many years residents have been asking for traffic calming measures to be installed as found on many Hinckley roads as well as surrounding villages.

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  • Still open, via questionnaire, 09:11, Tue 7 August 2018

  • Still open, via questionnaire, 20:25, Tue 4 September 2018

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