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Cars using bus lane at the end of London Road in Andover

Reported in the Roads/highways category anonymously at 13:39, Sun 24 June 2018

Sent to Hampshire County Council 1 minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 1347435.

At the end of the my road is a bus lane which is for buses only ( and emergency services ) everyday general public are using there cars at speed under this bridge and bus lane. There appears to be cameras either side of the bridge yet I see more and more cars using it. Do the cameras work? I saw a red Vauxhall Corsa Reg No. PO13TZA go under the bridge today (24/06/28) at 12:31hes a regular who drives through at speed today’s example being even worse as the traffic light was on red ( which could have lead to an oncoming bus ) is this bridge / bus lane been monitored or can anyone use it as there appears to be no deterrent I.e fines being applied as this motorist would be bankrupt by now as would the others that use it.

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