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Soon be unable to use path from winthorpe crescent to station lane

Reported in the Parks/landscapes category anonymously at 09:53, Mon 18 June 2018

Sent to Leeds City Council 2 minutes later. FixMyStreet ref: 1342527.

Weeds and nettles badly overgrown it is getting to the point where we will no longer be able to use to path to take our children to school meaning we will have to use a very dangerous main road (middleton lane) which is also badly overgrown meaning we will have to walk on road putting our lifes in danger

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  • Still havent been done and Got bitten on monday going down to school been itchy since. then today when going down to get her leg felt tender and ankle stiff. Got home to check was inflamed tight and very sore and noticed a red line going around my leg so been to st georges its infected and ive a high temp from infection so antibiotics antihistamine cream and tablets got to keep leg elevated and apply cold towel 4 times a,day for 10mins if gets any worse its a&e job this could have been prevented or even worse it could have been child

    Posted anonymously at 21:24, Wed 4 July 2018

  • Informed Andrea jenkyns will update as and when

    Posted anonymously at 22:40, Wed 4 July 2018

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