Status unknown
Speed hump on Northbound carriageway just before j/w North Drive is being circumvented by cars mounting the left hand verge, wearing away the bank/vegetation. The smaller vehicles are able to completely miss the hump by this manoeuvre. Photo taken looking south from junction with North Drive.
Reported in the Roads/highways category by Aidan Thorne at 18:02, Tue 29 May 2018
Sent to West Sussex County Council 2 minutes later. FixMyStreet ref: 1324891.
As you know, the speed humps have only recently been installed. The wearing away of the left hand verge as you approach Angmering Village will become more serious as other motorists follow suit. It also defeats the object of the speed hump in the first place.
Nothing has been done. The verge is gradually being worn away.
Posted by Aidan Thorne at 10:45, Sun 1 July 2018
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It hasn't been fixed and, will steady get worse. Just three roadside cones would sort it.
Posted by Aidan Thorne at 19:42, Sun 29 July 2018
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The incursion into the verge is even greater now. Perhaps, with the Winter rains ahead of us, the subsoil on the verge will reduce to such and extent that drivers will stop 'swerving to the left', to avoid the speed hump, as the crumbled edge to the tarmac will increasingly cause damage to the inside walls of their nearside tyres/and/or suspension. I sincerely hope that any claim for 'damage to vehicle' by such drivers does not result in compensation!
Posted by Aidan Thorne at 23:45, Sun 26 August 2018
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Vehicles going off-road onto the the soft verge eventually caused a water main that ran underneath to burst. The water main has now been fixed. The verge is churned up, following the repair. All it needs is a couple of bollards to discourage motorists from veering off the carriageway. I have contacted a councillor from Arun who has spoken to 'Highways' in the hope that this can be resolved before it happens again.
Posted by Aidan Thorne at 08:01, Mon 24 September 2018
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Speed hump is still being circumvented by some drivers - those that rat-run regularly. Highways Sussex is aware. I expect they are too busy to drop off a couple of cones.
Underneath the soft verge is a water main. I suppose we should just wait until it fractures again, perhaps in the winter, when the surface water will freeze and create a danger to traffic.
Posted by Aidan Thorne at 17:03, Mon 22 October 2018
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The verge is still wearing away. There is little point in reporting if the council ignores the information.
Posted by Aidan Thorne at 10:55, Mon 4 February 2019
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