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Crazily broken and dangerous slabs

Reported in the Pavements/footpaths category anonymously at 11:58, Tue 20 March 2018

Sent to West Sussex County Council 1 minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 1251382.

I have fallen over this very broken and raised slab Under the archway part of Deerswood Court (under flats 70/71) towards the back of the arch, nearer the garages rather than the courtyard. I did report it to Gail Weeks but was told I was the only one with a problem with it out of 99 flats!!! It is very raised, very dangerous. It has now been like that for maybe a year or more despite myself and Iris Adley complaining. I am a 40 year old woman so shook the fall off, but there are a lot of elderly in Deerswood Court that could fall and get seriously hurt by the slab. Can we just get the pavements around Deerswood checked for their sake as there are a lot of broken slabs but this one wobbles, is very raised, and its only a matter of time until a bad accident/fall happens.

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  • Next to the incredibly raised a wobbly one, we have a new incredibly raised and wobbly slab now!

    Posted anonymously at 16:57, Tue 17 April 2018
    Still open, via questionnaire

  • I have no idea if it worth reporting anything. The council says it is dealt with, the reality is very different

    Posted anonymously at 17:40, Tue 15 May 2018
    Still open, via questionnaire

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