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Sink Hole coming!

Reported in the Potholes category anonymously at 11:48, Tue 20 March 2018

Sent to West Sussex County Council 1 minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 1251369.

This has been fixed previously, but a large section of the middle of the road is sinking away again. It isn't a pothole at all, nothing to indicate the actual tarmac is faulty, but the road is fast sinking

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  • Not fixed It is getting a lot worse! Council said it would be fixed by 12th April... Nope!

    Posted anonymously at 12:02, Tue 17 April 2018
    Still open, via questionnaire

  • Getting bigger and deeper now I guess not a problem for bigger cars, but my Classic Mini is starting to scrape on the road, and it is unavoidable that it does that as it is a roundabout. Not great when the car is in Mint condition, worth a pretty penny, and up for sale at the moment! Thanks! Not too happy this hole is being allowed to get deeper and worse. White marks around it have been there weeks and weeks now, still nothing done though :\ So, council said fixed by 12th April... It is now 15th May

    Posted anonymously at 12:46, Tue 15 May 2018
    Still open, via questionnaire

  • Not fixed. Had a white rectangle drawn around it since before April, so the council/highways ARE aware, but I don't think they give a single care about it!!! It IS bigger. It IS deeper now. It IS a lot harder to avoid if travelling up the road heading towards the station. Nice one Highways Agency! You're care of the roads is, er, 'great' seeing how it was 3 months ago that people reported it It is now 12th June.

    Posted anonymously at 14:51, Tue 12 June 2018
    Still open, via questionnaire

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