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Large pot hole, causing damage and danger

Reported in the Roads/highways category anonymously at 13:00, Sun 4 March 2018

Sent to Middlesbrough Council 5 minutes later. FixMyStreet ref: 1232194.

On 3/3/18 around 7pm I had been returning home from thornaby, Middlesbrough I don’t often use this road but for this exception I had to, I came along the A1130 towards acklam road and during the dark I did not noticed the large pot hole in the road at the top of Lexden Avenue. I’ve accidentally went over the pot hole at not an excessive speed and consequently had a tyre be punctured and damage to my alloy. I have since booked my car in for a new tyre but I cannot fix the alloy as yet. Due to having no car I will now miss a days pay as the next available slot for repair was Tuesday morning l. The tyre will cost me £50 fitted but a price on the alloy is yet to be determined.

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