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Dangerous parking and idling engines.

Reported in the Car parking category anonymously at 09:49, Wed 21 February 2018

Sent to Leicestershire County Council and Melton Borough Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 1223303.

On Limes Avenue and Salisbury Avenue people are parking their cars in places around the school entrances, and leaving their engines running for long periods of time whether they are in the car or not.

The shear number of vehicles that are on these very narrow and already congested roads make it very dangerous for young children and adults alike to cross the road.

On numerous occasions I've seen incidents which could have ended in a serious injury from cars driving on these roads at such a busy time, with so many excitable children around it is only a matter of time before something terrible will happen.

It is not only causing traffic chaos but are also unnecessarily forcing those of us who walk our children to school to stand queueing at the gates and inhale excessive toxic exhaust fumes.

The school has already issued a request for parents to stop doing this but it has had no effect.

Rule 123 of the Highway Code states:

You MUST NOT leave a parked vehicle unattended with the engine running or leave a vehicle engine running unnecessarily while that vehicle is stationary on a public road. Generally, if the vehicle is stationary and is likely to remain so for more than a couple of minutes, you should apply the parking brake and switch off the engine to reduce emissions and noise pollution. However it is permissible to leave the engine running if the vehicle is stationary in traffic or diagnosing faults. Law CUR regs 98 & 107

I feel it is your duty to do something about this.

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