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25 inch wide by 4-5 inch deep pothole

Reported in the Potholes category anonymously at 18:49, Fri 16 February 2018

Sent to Hampshire County Council 1 minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 1218493.

Big pothole on Desborough Road at the junction with Blenheim Road. Seems to have deteriorated to its present state quite quickly. Looks about 25 inches wide by 4 to 5 inches deep. It's on Desborough Rd but where it's at the junction with Blenheim there is a higher probability of it not being seen & then hit due to having to pay extra attention for motorists on Blenheim crossing Desborough. Anybody who's been this route knows the traffic issue here of large volumes of vehicles impatiently jumping Desborough Rd. If it's hit by a two wheeler while unaware it's very likely going to do damage.

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  • Still open, via questionnaire, 00:00, Sat 17 March 2018

  • Hi I'm not sure in what to do but my car as hit a pothole on Southampton road in Eastleigh and it as damaged my back will and bent it in I'm really not happy as i now have a car off road as it's not driveable can you please let me no what i can do about this as it's unexceptable

    Posted anonymously at 08:32, Mon 16 April 2018

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