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A neighbour has erected a new fence blocking a shared drive pedestrian access to sweethills.

Reported in the Pavements/footpaths category anonymously at 18:39, Thu 15 February 2018

Sent to Hampshire County Council 1 minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 1217368.

A neighbour has erected a fence preventing pedestrian access to Browning close from Sweethills crescent. The fence was erected on Thursday 8 February 2018. This is a shared driveway and it is not their plot of land. The neighbour does not live by this pathway and the fence line according to the deeds is an electric easement on a shared drive, therefore he does not have the right to block the access with a fence, that has not been there since the properties were built. I have attached a google earth picture of the path, with no fence and also our deeds. Please could you remove the fence ? Thanks

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