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Cars persistently parking opposite T Junction with Allendale Road, causing dangerous hazard for vehicles turning and obscuring vision for other drivers. Problem exacerbated because there are bus stops on both sides of Churchfield Lane just yards away from parked cars.

Reported in the Car parking category anonymously at 20:06, Wed 14 February 2018

Sent to Barnsley Borough Council 4 minutes later. FixMyStreet ref: 1216359.

This problem has been reported before and is ongoing. Cars are generated by users of the Manor Court Training Facility, where parking provision is wholly inadequate for the number of cars. Owners of the facility deny any responsibility for Unsafe parking. Pavements either side of Allendale Road are also blocked by parked cars. I would like to know what powers we have as residents. I would be prepared to pay for Lines or use bollards to prevent this problem if it is legal to do so. I believe that parking opposite the junction is not allowed in the Highway Code, so some action should be possible.

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  • We are informed that official action to prevent this problem will not be considered as an option until there is an incident causing severe injury. We asked if yellow lines could be painted, but this would cost us up to £6 ooo. Placing cones to discourage parking is apparently illegal and this is not encouraged, even though the nuisance parkers are persistent in not following Parking Rules. Needless to say this is extremely frustrating. The only action recommended is for us to contact police every time this happens, but the frequency of it makes this unmanageable.

    Posted anonymously at 19:19, Thu 15 March 2018
    Still open, via questionnaire

  • We have made no progress with this and continue to have to address drivers responsible. We would like to know how the planning system works, if permission to locate a business in a residential area can be granted without the guarantee of adequate parking provision. I am currently investigating how we can obtain this information.

    Posted anonymously at 19:59, Sun 15 April 2018
    Still open, via questionnaire

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