Status unknown
The whole of East Ham Road is covered in potholes becoming dangerous now
Reported in the Potholes category anonymously at 17:59, Fri 19 January 2018
Sent to West Sussex County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 1188970.
Easy Ham road surface has been disgusting for the last 8 years, I have reported it in the past. Now it is damaging cars, be warned.
Still open, via questionnaire, 19:44, Fri 16 February 2018
I have just had to replace my front shock absorbers, damage caused by 7 years of coming down East Ham Road to get to my home in North Ham Road
Posted anonymously at 19:44, Fri 16 February 2018
WSCC have denied there is a problem in East Ham Road, they have drop fixed the main one big hole, and done avery bad job doing it. The rest of East Ham Road and the junction with Maxwell Road is worse than a third world country. If these surfaces are acceptable then we have no hope for the future, NONE ABSOLUTELY NONE and please remember I have been complaining for 7 years.
Posted anonymously at 20:26, Fri 16 March 2018
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This road is still very bad and has been for 7 years, it is no good hiding behind your 'It must be this size or we don't fix it'. This road is the nearest thing in Littlehampton we have to a third world country road. It has caused serious damage to my car's suspension, I have bill for over £150 recently.
Posted anonymously at 18:53, Sun 15 April 2018
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They filled one hole, it is still a third world road and their excuses for not fixing it are lame to say the least.
Posted anonymously at 00:29, Mon 14 May 2018
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This shows that WSCC is not very useful at . This road has been very bad for a long time and needs a complete recovering and done properly. A MESS.
Posted anonymously at 08:12, Mon 11 June 2018
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