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Constant exceeding of speed limit approaching blind bend

Reported in the Roads/highways category anonymously at 07:14, Fri 22 December 2017

Sent to Hampshire County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 1166291.

We have lived at the corner of Malvern Avenue for two years and have noticed an increase in dangerous speeds approaching by drivers of all ages and vehicle types. It is only a matter of time before someone loses control and crashes. We have young children, and the path across the front of our property is used by countless college students and school children on the way to Fareham College and Wallisdean. We have considered tactically parking to encourage drivers to slow down, however would like the opportunity for FBC to tackle the issue. This needs to be an enforced limit of 20 mph max, with clear road markings on the tarmac detailing "SLOW" and potentially further traffic calming measures as its use as a rat run is set to increase with pending developments south of Longfield Avenue.

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