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People are parking on my drive and blocking my drive for house 45 Barrow Road. These inconsiderate Parker’s have a car park but choose to block my drive and asking politely or leaving notes isn’t working. They are also parking on the junction making it extremely difficult and dangerous to pull out of the junction. They are parking across the path forcing children to walk on the road. Today as I asked a woman to not block my car in she told me she will continue to until double yellow lines are put down. Please help me with this problem. I’ve tried everything. The school have left messages to parents but they do not care. It’s really dangerous and intimidating. Today I couldn’t attend an emergency because the blocked my car in. My horse is now lame because I could help him in time.

Reported in the Council car parks category anonymously at 16:44, Fri 15 December 2017

Sent to Charnwood Borough Council and Leicestershire County Council 1 minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 1162266.

People are parking on my drive and blocking my drive for house 45 Barrow Road. These inconsiderate Parker’s have a car park but choose to block my drive and asking politely or leaving notes isn’t working. They are also parking on the junction making it extremely difficult and dangerous to pull out of the junction. They are parking across the path forcing children to walk on the road. Today as I asked a woman to not block my car in she told me she will continue to until double yellow lines are put down. Please help me with this problem. I’ve tried everything. The school have left messages to parents but they do not care. It’s really dangerous and intimidating. Today I couldn’t attend an emergency because the blocked my car in. My horse is now lame because I could help him in time. Please please help. The parents are really rude. This issue has been going on since I moved in 2 years ago.

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