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No right turn sign not clear

Reported in the Road traffic signs category anonymously at 01:40, Tue 5 December 2017

Sent to Tower Hamlets Borough Council 4 minutes later. FixMyStreet ref: 1156344.

When turning right into wilmot street from ainsley st approaching Bethnal Green road the no right turn sign on the other side of Bethnal green road is not clear. it should be prominent, it should be more directly across the road in face of drivers but as it is now it is to the right thus not easy for drivers to see. Though there are sign/s further up wilmot street 1. these are not clear for those who have turned into wilmot street from Ainsley street because they cannot be seen. thus the main sign should be the one directly opposite the approach from wilmot street into Bethnal green. Also when high vehicles and/ore buses pass on the main road the sign as it is cannot be seen. It appears that the sign is merely there as it is poorly displayed in order to collect fines from people who did not see it. Also the no right turn sign should be on the corner or wilmot street / Bethnal green road and not across the road and to the right. The sign as it is is also bent/twisted and is too small. As I wrote it's a revenue generating scam to fine drivers. It is there to line the pockets of those that benefit from the fines it generates.

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  • Why is wilmot street two- way in the first place?

    Posted anonymously at 09:36, Tue 5 December 2017

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