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Fire hydrant being regularly parked on.

Reported anonymously at 20:04, Wed 22 November 2017

Sent to Adur District Council and West Sussex County Council 1 minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 1149601.

There's a fire hydrant sign in the hedge, outside the first bungalow in Gorringe Close, with a missing plate. The hydrant itself is located on the pavement less than a metre away and opposite the hydrant post. The are also double yellow lines on this corner but they are indistinct and faded. Unfortunately cars are repeatedly parking on the pavement, thereby obstructing the fire hydrant and parking illegally. If the hydrant is still in full working order, a new plate is required and ideally the hydrant cover painted yellow to make it more obvious. The yellow lines also need to be repainted and parking restrictions enforced. I have reported this issue via the ILoveWestSussex mobile app but I've been advised, more or less, that it's not their problem. I'm sure if there was a fire in the immediate vicinity and this hydrant wasn't available for immediate use that meant water supplies had to be resourced further afield, and operational effectiveness thereby compromised, it would certainly be someone's problem. If this isn't the right place to report this issue, please advise as to who, specifically, it should be referred to. This problem with the parking, to my knowledge, has been regularly going on since September 2017 and probably for some time beforehand that. I cannot obscure the number plate of this vehicle with the software available to me. Many thanks.

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