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Street light not working and blowed by overgrown tree/bush

Reported in the Abandoned vehicles category anonymously at 16:19, Wed 27 September 2017 using FixMyStreet Pro

Sent to Cherwell District Council 3 minutes later. FixMyStreet ref: 1115740.

The street light looks to be number 7 as seen in the picture attached. It is located on the road/parking area after the turn for The Camillias, OX16 1YT.

The street light is no longer working and is also encase in a tree/bush so if it did work it wouldn't cast any light over the surrounding area.

This leaves this area in almost complete darkness at night which is now an increasing concern with the longer nights as we where the victim of crime last winter. I believe a contributing factor to this was the lack of light in the area to deter would be criminals.

The light has now not been working for about 5 weeks.

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