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Vandalism and Graffiti

Reported in the Graffiti category anonymously at 14:57, Mon 12 April 2010

Sent to Redbridge Borough Council 3 minutes later. FixMyStreet ref: 109474.

Over the past 18months there has been an increasing problem with graffiti and vandalism at Friars Close, Ilford. Groups of hooded youths loiter around the development at night - especially on Friday and Saturday nights. There have been burglaries in some of the blocks and also damage to front entry doors and walls inside the blocks. Youths have been spotted late at night smoking dubious substances,in cars parked in the residents car parks. The problem is increasing, and residents are becoming alarmed and worried at the level of anti-social behaviour encountered from youths who seem to loiter with nothing to do other than cause disruption.

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  • In the last couple of years there have been many cases of vandalism in Friars Close. Many of the buildings and doors have grafitti, it justs seems never ending. The area needs some sort of control to deter the youths who have made the residents feel unsafe and vulnerable.

    Posted anonymously at 21:22, Tue 13 April 2010

  • there is alot of graffiti in the area there is graffiti in the walk ways on the wall on blocks and it makes the area look dirty and bad where it is not.

    Posted anonymously at 16:40, Tue 22 June 2010

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