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Royal Mail van loading on pedestrian crossing

Reported via iOS in the Council car parks category anonymously at 20:06, Sat 12 August 2017

Sent to Charnwood Borough Council and Leicestershire County Council 4 minutes later. FixMyStreet ref: 1088753.

Royal Mail driver parks on pedestrian crossing / pavement directly outside post office in Mountsorrel to load / unload. Same driver does this frequently. Challenged with driver previously and told to F*** off you p***** I can park where I want. Reported to Royal Mail and zero response and no action taken. This branch has rear parking that the driver should use.

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  • Still a problem. Noon every Saturday post office van parks across pavement to load / unload on approach to pedestrian crossing obscuring it. Person on mobility scooter unable to pass on pavement as a result

    Posted anonymously at 12:58, Sat 4 November 2017

  • Still an issue, every Saturday at around noon. Police advise that this is an offence and endorsable by fine and points on drivers licence. Reported to community policing team last November - no response. Reported to Charnwood Borough Council again, ref 86T9XGS1.

    Posted anonymously at 20:41, Tue 23 January 2018

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