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Danegeld Close NOT marked on map but DOES exist!. Top (NW) corner has a public pathway leading to rear of a numbe of addresses has been polluted by the 'usual' fly tipping, mattresses etc. Rendering the pathway dangerous daytime and doubly so during hours of darkness. ALSO an overhanging tree (birch) that looks like it could deposit larger boughs at any time. Needs severe pruning before it is dangerous

Reported in the Pavements/footpaths category anonymously at 10:55, Mon 31 July 2017

Sent to Hampshire County Council 6 minutes later. FixMyStreet ref: 1081025.

Fly tipping and dangerous tree branch overhang on public pAthways

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  • Still open, via questionnaire, 16:06, Mon 28 August 2017

  • The FLY-TIPPING rubbish has now been moved. The OTHER part of our complaint is the overhanging birch tree that looks potentially dangerous.

    Posted anonymously at 16:06, Mon 28 August 2017

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