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Heron Quays Lifts and Surroundings Smelling of Urine

Reported anonymously at 17:44, Wed 26 July 2017

Sent to Tower Hamlets Borough Council 2 minutes later. FixMyStreet ref: 1078691.

The lifts and surrounding areas at Heron Quays DLR Station are constantly smelling of stale urine and are generally filthy. This station appears to be hardly cleaned at all and wheelchair and lift users are being consistently exposed to a health hazard if this urine is not cleaned up after every incident. The lack of appropriate bright lighting on the pedestrian levels of the station contributes to those disgusting persons urinating in the lifts and in the dark corners of the station. If the lighting were better and passers-by could see all areas of the station it would feel a lot safer and probably be a lot cleaner too!

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  • No response to date to this issue from TFL or Tower Hamlets Council - shame.

    Posted anonymously at 15:51, Wed 23 August 2017

  • Nothing done to date 14.11.17 - emailed TfL direct for answer as both lifts still reek of stale urine!

    Posted anonymously at 12:27, Wed 15 November 2017

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