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Poor visibility at roundabout off of A6 northbound exit slipway.

Reported in the Roads/highways category anonymously at 12:13, Sun 16 July 2017

Sent to Leicestershire County Council 2 minutes later. FixMyStreet ref: 1072585.

When leaving the A6 via the northbound exit slipway, joining the western (Hill Top) roundabout is dangerous due to overgrown foliage on the right hand side. The bushes are severely limiting the visibility of vehicles approaching from the southbound carriageway from the Garden centre, APACS and Rothley Lodge Commercial Park.

Most drivers stop when leaving the slipway, edging out, ensuring it is safe to proceed before moving on to the roundabout, but as ever, there are some road users who take the chance and don't stop, relying on road users approaching from the right, who have the right of way, to make allowances for their poor choices/ability.

It is therefor recommended that the foliage be trimmed back to allow innocent motorists to see and be seen, before one or more is involved in an incident not of their own making.

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