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Two new holes outside 20/18

Reported in the Potholes category anonymously at 16:04, Fri 14 July 2017

Sent to Kent County Council 2 minutes later. FixMyStreet ref: 1071834.

A water leak fixed this week outside no 20 Fitzroy. that hole was fixed but left behind as a result of the problem were the two holes shown. Long thin one in the middle of the road and likely to be dangerous for cyclists. Need to be fixed quickly. do not understand why not fixed with the original problem.

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  • One of the holes was fixed but not the other!

    Further up the road - about no 30/32 a patch has been placed on the previous patch. Come the first frost and both patches will need replacing. Please can we have a proper fix? Much of this section of Fitzroy Road is need of attention - could it be looked at as whole? Also the pavements are a disgrace - and dangerous for the gentleman that I saw trying to navigate whilst on crutches. Many thanks

    Posted anonymously at 10:24, Thu 27 July 2017

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