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Over grown vegetation

Reported in the Pavements/footpaths category anonymously at 12:20, Sat 13 May 2017

Sent to West Sussex County Council 5 minutes later. FixMyStreet ref: 1036725.

Iam in wheelchair and on Thursday I went along Mill Road to the shops at Goring High street. I noted about 10 places on the north side of the pavement how many had bushes and vegetation growing onto the footpaths making at least a 1/3 of the pavement missing and very kind people would step aside for me to pass. It needs a leaflet drop along this stretch to remind residents to trim back their hedges.

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  • These are just some of the pictures I took it will only let you upload 3 .take a stroll down Mill road and see for yourself

    Posted anonymously at 12:28, Sat 13 May 2017

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