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Road Surface Causing Significant issues

Reported in the Roads/highways category anonymously at 20:28, Sat 6 May 2017

Sent to Kent County Council 2 minutes later. FixMyStreet ref: 1033215.

As explained before My vehicle has no just had to have £540 alloy wheel repairs with Lepsons which will be being charged to Dover authorities I informed you previously of these issues and this roadway is now destroying my Audi S5 which is s £60,000 car I have had to get new control arms on the front which a car should never have to have but this is down to the road Ad I only use the car for small journeys to and from Ashford / Canterbury the Car is Fully Sevriced and Maintained by Audi and now with over £1300 worth of damages to my Vehicle I will be taking this to court unless something is done

From pioneer way basically the surface of Old Park Hill dangerously throws your car left and right with its uneven surface that's the first part prior to it going smaller prior to Elysium Park Close this top section is un- Drivable and where the damage has been sustained by your roadway

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  • Still open, via questionnaire, 08:17, Sun 4 June 2017

  • Not fixed and been ignored

    Posted anonymously at 08:17, Sun 4 June 2017

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