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Untaxed vehicle driving through the Bollard's along the path and parking on the path outside house.

Reported in the Car parking category anonymously at 14:17, Sun 30 April 2017

Sent to Leicester City Council 3 minutes later. FixMyStreet ref: 1029919.

They are diving up the kerb and over the path,between the Bollard's then along the path to park on the grass area outside the houses. Children and Adults are both at risk as its not a car park.

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  • Still open, via questionnaire, 13:56, Mon 29 May 2017

  • Still not sorted. The vehicle is uninsured aswell as no tax. Whats the point in us tax and insuring our vehicle's if there's no deterrent anyway. Who is at fault when a child is knocked down and the driver just drives away to avoid being prosecuted for no insurance and tax, because thats all he will care about? This is not a carpark or a vehicle right of way, hence the bollards

    Posted anonymously at 13:56, Mon 29 May 2017

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