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There is a 12 inch wide depression in the road - it's not cracked but if you ride into it on a bike you get severe loss of control. It's in the westbound carriageway roughly where I've marked.

Reported in the Potholes category by Tim Morton at 14:08, Sun 30 April 2017

Sent to Leicester City Council 2 minutes later. FixMyStreet ref: 1029916.

In daylight hours I can avoid it on my bicycle, but I've hit it in the dark, avoiding it usually entails a swerve and with vehicles about to overtake could cause a serious accident.

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  • Still open, via questionnaire, 14:19, Wed 31 May 2017

  • Having looked at it in daylight it is indeed cracked its 12' wide by about 24" long so I think it's serious. The road surface is quite deformed anyway though heavy usage by buses and lorries but this is different.

    Posted by Tim Morton at 14:19, Wed 31 May 2017

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