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Kids playing football everyday on grass verge just feet from houses and parked cars. Urinating on fence directly infront of view from windows and regular spitting.

Reported anonymously at 20:31, Sun 23 April 2017

Sent to Middlesbrough Council 4 minutes later. FixMyStreet ref: 1026497.

Wesley Row grass verge next to parking area. Potential damage to property and the constant thudding of the ball being kicked is causing a disturbance to neighbours. This issue has been on-going for months and will continue if nothing is done to prevent it. The urinating and spitting is disgusting and the noise is intolerable. More and more kids are starting to join in lately that don't even live nearby. Is there a possibility of a 'No Ball Games' sign to stop this happening?

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  • You need to attend your local Community Council meeting and request a No Ball Games sign. The ASB aspect needs to be reported to the police.

    Posted anonymously at 00:52, Thu 14 September 2017

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