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The selected road is not maintained by the council; to find out who owns this land/road please contact the Land Registry at
The selected road is not maintained by the council, but by a neighbouring council. Please move your pin slightly, to the other side of the border.
The location you have selected doesn't appear to be on a road.
Please select a road on which to make a report.
Public Right of Way issue
To report this issue, please select a point on a public right of way
Please select an item from the map on which to make a report.
The location you have selected is maintained by Curo Group.
You can report this issue to Curo Group directly by emailing .
Please report problems on rights of way using this page.
There is no council car park in the area selected.
The location you have chosen is on a Camden housing estate and is the responsibility of housing repairs. Please use this link to continue to the Camden housing repairs service, to raise the issue directly with them.
For an expedited response please use the chat functionality available on that page.
Sorry, we can only accept reports for issues in parks and recreation grounds maintained by Merton Council.
To report an issue at Morden Hall Park, please contact the National Trust who own and manage it.
To report an issue at Mitcham Common, please contact Mitcham Common Conservators who own and manage it.
To report an issue at Wimbledon Common, please contact Wimbledon and Putney Commons Conservators who own and manage it.
You can report cases of fly-tipping on private land to Peterborough City Council, although it is the landowner’s responsibility to clear the waste.
The council's Environmental Enforcement Team can only investigate if there is enough evidence available, e.g. witness statement, CCTV footage, evidence in the waste, etc. When you report, please state if you’re able to provide any evidence to support the investigation.
If there is enough evidence, once the case is referred to the Environmental Enforcement Team for investigation, the council will mark the report as closed on the system.
If there is no evidence of the fly-tipping being committed, or who the waste originally belonged to, the council are unable to investigate and proceed with your report.
For graffiti on private land this would be deemed as criminal damage and would therefore need reporting to the Police, along with any evidence that may be available. Please visit or call the non emergency number of 111
IMPORTANT: If you consider this to be dangerous or an emergency, please call us on: 0300 131 6000. Otherwise, by submitting the report online we will deal with it in line with our agreed timescales.
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These will be sent to the local council and also published online for others to see, in accordance with our privacy policy.
e.g. ‘10 inch pothole on Example St, near post box’
e.g. ‘This pothole has been here for two months and…’
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